class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Data Science for Social Good
Women Who Code Berlin
Lisa Hehnke |
July 24, 2019
--- class: center, middle ## <font size='7'>"The job of the data scientist is to ask the right questions."</font> <br> <font size='5'>Hilary Mason <br> (Data scientist & founder of Fast Forward Labs)</font> <img src="images/hilary-mason.png" width="250px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Image credit: [Story in a Bottle]( --- class: inverse, center, middle # What data science usually looks like... --- ## Image recognition <img src="images/pug-image.png" width="2585" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Image credit: [Pinterest]( --- ## Recommender systems <img src="images/youtube-recommender.png" width="2401" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle ## <font size='9'>But there's more to it than that. We need to democratize the potential of data science.</font> --- <img src="images/zuckerberg-idea.png" width="1321" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, center, middle # Data science for good <br> <font size='6'>(a.k.a. asking the right kind of questions)</font> --- ## Knowing your
Using data science for social good requires <b>impact-based projects</b> that are built on <b>adequate data</b>. But above all, we need the <b>expertise of social data scientists</b> who ask the following questions: -- 1. What impact do we want to have with our project? Who is the target group? -- 2. What are the challenges and needs of the target group? -- 3. What kind of data is available and how can we access it? -- 4. What should our final product look like? How can we implement it technically? -- 5. Who uses the final product? How often? Which criteria must the product meet to truly add value? -- 6. And last, but certainly not least: What could potentially go wrong? 💥 --- class: inverse, center, middle # Harnessing the potential of data science --- ## [DataKind]( Home fire risk map .pull-left[ - <b>Context:</b> The Home Fire Campaign by the American Red Cross aims to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by home fires - <b>Objective:</b> Identify high-risk neighborhoods to target for in-home fire safety education and free smoke alarms - <b>Approach:</b> Use ML techniques that leverage data from multiple sources to predict aggregate neighborhood home fire risk ] .pull-right[  ] .center[
DataKindOrg ] ??? Link: [Home Fire Risk Map]( --- ## [CorrelAid]( Online movements .pull-left[ - <b>Context:</b> Social activist Ali Can launched the two hashtags #MeTwo and #We2 to draw attention to racial discrimination and multi-faceted racial identities - <b>Objective:</b> Evaluate the content, key actors, and temporal dynamics of the Twitter campaigns to assess their potential and limitations - <b>Approach:</b> Use NLP techniques and social network analysis to identify important topics and influential actors ] .pull-right[  ] .center[
WeAreCorrelAid ] --- ## [DSSG Berlin]( SchulePlus .pull-left[ - <b>Context:</b> SchulePlus matches high school students with internships to help them figure out their professional future - <b>Objective:</b> Understand the supply and demand for internships in the different states of Germany - <b>Approach:</b> Correlate searches for internships with the job posts in the internship database ] .pull-right[  ] .center[
@dssgber ] --- ## [Lecturers without Borders]( Networks .pull-left[ - <b>Context:</b> Lecturers without borders connects educational networks and scientists who use their travel opportunities to give free lectures to local students in developing countries - <b>Objective:</b> Analyze how social initiatives are working together in different parts of the world - <b>Approach:</b> Build database of schools which can host scientists ] .pull-right[  ] .center[
Lecturerswithoutborders ] --- ## Want to become more social? .pull-left[ <img src="images/correlaid-logo.png" width="9469" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/dssg-logo.svg" height="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Slides made with
and R [*xaringan*]( Use cases by <b>[DataKind](</b>, <b>[CorrelAid](</b>, <b>[DSSG Berlin](</b>,<br> and <b>[Lecturers without Borders](</b>.