Lisa Hehnke

Here you can find data and reproducible code for some of my personal tech projects. Feel free to use the code as it is or adapt it to your own needs.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you encounter any bugs or issues.


Executions in the US (data set containing historical data on 5,455 executions in the United States for the years 1801-1900)

#MeTwo (dehydrated Twitter data set containing approx. 160,000 tweets on the #MeTwo campaign from summer 2018)

Data visualizations

Airline flight routes (mapping airline routes using OpenFlights data combined with NASA's night lights images)

#TidyTuesday (collection of side projects to create some fun data viz)

Interactive dashboard

Project KillR (dashboard featuring data, statistics, and interactive visualizations on 576 serial killers from 51 countries for the years 1435-2013)

Social media analyses

Reddit: Today I Learned (scraping, preprocessing, and mining user comments from the TIL subreddit)

Social activism on Twitter (Markdown document containing text and code for analyzing the development, key actors, and contents of the #We2 movement)

Twitter follower analysis (Markdown replication script and data for analyzing the Open Science MOOC Twitter community)

Viewer engagement on YouTube (replication code and materials for analyzing YouTube comments and video statistics on the Florida High School Shooting in February 2018)


datenguideR (R wrapper for the Datenguide GraphQL API to easily access German regional statistics)

Spatial analyses

Aviation accidents (mapping and analyzing crashes in Florida 2014 using point pattern analyses) [script slightly outdated]

Road accidents (geocoding, mapping, and analyzing crashes in South Australia 2016)

Spatial gravity models (replication materials for building dyadic data sets and conducting predictive spatial gravity analyses)

Text analyses

Movie scripts (preprocessing and analyzing PDF files using the screenplay of The Room)

Music lyrics (preprocessing, analyzing, and visualizing STARSET album lyrics)

Web scraper

Amazon data (functions to retrieve product information for items in best seller lists and customer reviews for one or more products, with either product IDs/ASINs or URLs as input)

Aviation Safety Network (scraper for aviation accident data provided in the Aviation Safety Network database, covering the years 1919-2019)

Plane Crash Info (scraper for aviation accident data provided in the Plane Crash Info database, covering the years 1920-2019)